by admin


by admin



October 15, 2024 ~ Paope 5, 1741

If an architect were to tell you that your house would soon fall, would you not remove [yourself]?
The Builder of the world tells you that the world will soon fall, and will you not believe it?
Hear the voice of Him who foretells it, hear the counsel of Him who gives you warning.

The voice of prediction is, “Heaven and earth shall pass away” (Mt 24:35).
The voice of warning is, “Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth” (Mt 6:19).
If then you believe God in His prediction, if you despise not His warning, let what He says be done…
Therefore “give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven” (Mt 19:21).
You shall not remain without treasure;
but what you have on earth with anxiety, you shall possess in heaven free from care.
Transport your goods then. I am giving you counsel for keeping, not for losing.
“You shall have,” He says, “treasure in heaven, and come, follow Me”,
that I may bring you to your treasure.
This is not a wasting, but a saving.
St. Augustine


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